High Performing Entrepreneurship: Emotional Intelligence for Startups

WEBINAR High Performing Entrepreneurship: Emotional Intelligence for Startups by Jara Pascual

Innovation / 1 hour / Online / English / Friday 3rd December 2021 at 12noon CET

35€ (Free for Premium Members of Collabwith)

Join the Webinar

It’s time to understand the key for personal and professional success.

What will you learn?

Startup Performance is motivation, create a trust environment, and psychological safety to be able to communicate non-violent way with no competition and no assumptions.

  • Would you like to improve your Leadership competences?
  • Would you like that your Startup team become a High performing Team to increase ratio of Success?

Webinar Emotional Intelligence for Entrepreneurship: 1 hour to open your eyes in a new way of managing your startup. You will improve your leadership skills and your team performance!

  • Understand the Entrepreneurship Journey with Emotions
  • How to manage frustration
  • How to motivate your team
  • How to build resilience 


Computer or mobile phone with Zoom app.

You will learn to become a happy and successful entrepreneur doing collaboration and using emotional intelligence.

High performance teams are the core of the motivation and productivity inside an organization, and the key of the high performing teams is to have and create a psychological safety environment. How is possible to create a psychological safety environment within new teams, virtual and remote teams, how to change an already existing team into a high performance team? Our answer is using Emotional Intelligence Skills.

This webinar is also suitable for

Creative Entrepreneurs who are building a new team for their new business and who wants to build a strong team and culture.

Innovation Professionals who are working with entrepreneur teams, and aim to have outstanding and creative results in a short period of time.

Leadership management who wants to improve their leadership skills with Emotional Intelligence Skills.

Innovation consultants who are building a new their new business and who wants to build a strong consulting asset to help other organizations with effective and proof methodologies from universities.

Introduction to the Hockey Stick Growth with Emotional Intelligence.

Jara Pascual

Author book “Innovation & Collaboration in the Digital Era”

Jara Pascual is an author and entrepreneur centered on Innovation. She is CEO and founder of Collabwith, an online platform bringing people together and encouraging collaborations online and offline. As Board Member of the Forum Knowledge4Innovation her voice is heard regularly at the European Parliament. She is also the host of the Innovation Podcast “Business of Collaboration” and Book author of “Innovation & Collaboration in the Digital Era”. Jara is a Telecom Engineer with an MBA and she is writing about innovation management for different online magazines. She has worked for 15 years in Innovation Management doing transformational innovation culture and projects in a number of Fortune 500 Companies and R&D Labs.


  • Introduction to Emotional Intelligence
  • Startup Stages Analysis
  • Psychological strong mind to overcome difficult moments
  • Open Discussion
  • Practical Take Aways

Contact us if you have any questions: Jara Pascual // hello@collabwith.org

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